i have a problem, setting the Label Caption of TAdvCombobox during runtime...
I tried to refresh, to repaint... but the original is still visible TOGETHER with the caption given by runtime. Am using Delphi XE2, not using any Theme...
i made a small programm with just one AdvCombo on and a button, to switch the caption and it works fine, with or without theme...
The program formerly was a BDS2006 application, which i switched to Delphi XE2...
So somewhere must be something that avoids the caption to reload properly...
But i dont have any clue, what this might be...
The difference between my real program and the test application is furthermore, that i have quite a few comboboxes on the form... and all show this behaviour...
If you cannot isolate this issue, I'd suggest to put a breakpoint in ADVCOMBO.PAS in the proc : procedure TAdvCustomCombo.SetLabelCaption(const Value: string); and follow from there what exactly is happening.