LabelCaption problem

I'm using AdvComboboxes in a Form with an AdvOfficePager. If I implement a linked label for the combobox by typing a "labelCaption", the label displays up in the AdvOfficePager tabs, not on the AdvOfficePage itself. At run-time there seems to be no problem, the label goes to where it ought to be, but at design-time the label is miles away....

Using tabs set horizontally shows the combo and the linked label (fred and jim) both with green ovals

Any suggestions?

DelphiXE, AdvCombo version, Win 7 64-bit


I can't reproduce this here. Please provide some sample source app with which we can reproduce this here.

Thanks, Bruno
Must have been some weird glitch. I deleted most of the components from the form ready to send you, then reverted in History, and now it seems OK... problem cleared itself.
Sorry for the panic.