TAdvEdit: can't change label after initial setting

This problem occures with the very latest version of TAdvEdit, and is very annoying:
After setting the LabelCaption it can't be changed again (In Delphi Tokyo).

- In a new program put a TAdvEdit on a form.
- Fill in the LabelCaption and press Enter.
- Now try to change the LabelCaption again: not possible.

This was an unfortunate regression that was internally already fixed. 
The next update scheduled for June 19 will address this.

The original problem also appears to be happening with TAdvComboBox  Version

When using the "fixed" version of TAdvEdit (Version, after changing the label caption, the label text become shifted.  To correct I have to move the component to a different location and back to the original location.

This was indeed an oversight. We fixed it. Next update will address this.


1.  Issue with Label Position after Edit appears resolved.  Thanks.
2.  Issue with changing the label caption not updating remains present with TAdvComboBox.

This is also fixed now. We'll release an update as soon as possible.