Unable to debug in the IDE Ver but has been happening for prior versions.

Not sure where to post bugs with TMS Products so I posted it here and hope it helps someone else.

I was unable to debug in the IDE with a project of mine. Spent some time tracking down why. Found out that setting Project Settings / TMS WEB Compile / Auto-increment version = True makes IDE debugging stop working. Maybe the cart before the horse is happening here Webcore developers.

Also, we need documentation, spending hours and hours trying to get things to work is getting old fast. The product is so fragile and everything breaks. Just giving a webimage and a non-existing URL locks the whole webpage.

We have seen the issue with IDE debug & auto version increment. We'll investigate to solve this.
When setting a non-existing URL to an image, this causes an error (like it also causes an error in a plain HTML/JS webpage). This does not block the page though. This behavior is inherent to how the browser handles this and not something we can change from TMS WEB Core.

With respect to documentation, I think we have never written more documentation for a product than for TMS WEB Core. There is a >700 pages PDF guide, there is online doc, there are numerous online videos, webinar replays and over hundred blog articles. There is the TMS WEB Core book from Holger Flick: Amazon.com

If there is anything in this huge amount of information that you feel is missing, please let us know.

I also would like to share that I couldn't debug (with any browser). When running in debug mode (F9) the IDE switched to running mode (with the pause and stop buttons enabled), but just didn't launch the browser. Even if I set Auto-increment version to False, until I noticed that there was no value assigned to Project Settings / TMS WEB Compile / Version

I set a value to it (1.0.0) and now it runs fine in debug mode with Chrome, (as long as I keep Auto-increment version to False)

Internally we fixed this. Next update will address this.