TPlannerItem Button Height no Scaling



TMS Planner Version:

Delphi Version: 10.3.3


I also checked it in TMS VCL UI Pack, here it is exactly the same.


I?m trying to create a Button in a TPlannerItem. But it looks like the height is not taken into account, if the Windows-Scaling is > 100%. In the unit PlanHTM.pas is a procedure ParseControl but it doesn't evaluate the height. This procedure is also available in the AdvGraphicsHTMLEngine.pas unit and it takes the height into account. It would be good if you also considered the height in the method PlanHTM .ParseControl, because with a window scaling > 100% you can no longer read the text on the button properly.


Have you planned to extend the PlanHTM.ParseControl method and also take the height into account?


Example 1:

Screen: 15,6"

Resolution: 1920x1080

Windows-Scaling: 100%

TPlannerItem.Text.Text := '<control id="1" value="35150" type="button" width="42" height="23">';

This looks good as far as you can see: 


Example 2:

Screen: 15,6"

Resolution: 1920x1080

Windows-Scaling: 150%

TPlannerItem.Text.Text := '<control id="1" value="35150" type="button" width="86" height="44">';

And that doesn't look good anymore, as you can see:


Best regards,



The pictures were not uploaded. I uploaded it to my Goodle Drive account.

Example 1:

Example 2:

We traced & solved this issue. 
We can confirm the next update will address this.

I tested this in the TMS VCL UI Pack Now looks very good. Thank you.