At 100% Windows scaling, my TAdvToolbars in a TAdvDockPanel all have the same height. However, as I increase the Windows scaling percentage, some toolbars have incresing heights over others and looks bad. Many of my customers have newer high resolutions monitors and some use a scaling value of 300% (4K monitor). I've compared the buttons one each toolbar and cannot see what is causing the discrepancy. All TAdvGlowButtons use a virtual image list with sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48.
At 300%, notice the top row of Toolbars are taller than the ones in the 2nd row. Then notice in the 3rd row the middle toolbar is taller than the rest. All TAdvGlowButtons are 26x24 (WxH)
Also, I do not know why some separators are 10x24 and others are 10x23. Depends on the toolbar I add it to. Even when I set them back to 10x23, they are back at 10x24 when reloading the project. Adding a new one is 10x23, but reloading the project turns it into 10x24, but only on some toolbars. For example, if I add a separator to the lower left toolbar in my examples, it starts as 10x23 but reloading becomes 10x24. However, adding a separator to the middle toolbar starts as 10x23 and stays as 10x23. And that middle one is one of the toolbars that increases in height over others. Both toolbars are 28 high and contain just TAdvGlowButtons all at 26x24.
Delphi 10.4.1