Toolbars and custom styles


I'm using the AdvToolbarPager in my application and I would like to adjust the colors specially the Office 2016 White/gray etc colors.

I read that I should use the AdvFormStylerApplyStyle-event to change the colors but it doesn't seem to work as use can see in the gif. Code below too.

Is there a special case regarding Office 2016-styles?

  if AComponent IS TAdvToolBarOfficeStyler then begin
    (AComponent As TAdvToolBarOfficeStyler).PageAppearance.Color:=clRed;
    (AComponent As TAdvToolBarOfficeStyler).PageAppearance.ColorMirror:=clRed;
    (AComponent As TAdvToolBarOfficeStyler).PageAppearance.ColorMirrorTo:=clRed;
    (AComponent As TAdvToolBarOfficeStyler).PageAppearance.ColorTo:=clRed;

Do you use the latest version of the components as I could not reproduce this.
You can download the test app I created here and that does change the page color to red also for Office2016 style.
Test project: