Scrolling of a long text of unknown length

Hi all,
I have a little challenge: I need to load a text from a database and don't know it's length when loading. I load it into an IWText and since it is HTML I set RawText to true and RenderSize to false. That way the size of IWText seems to be adopted accordingly.

So far it is pretty easy but now comes the challenge:
I would like to do the scrolling using a scroll region rather than using a vertical scrollbar of the text field. But How can I get the ScrollRegion to know how far it should be scrolling (how high the IWText is)?

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot for your help!

Best regards,

Unfortunately the IWScrollRegion will currently only adapt the scrolling to the height and top position of the controls at set at design-time.
I'll investigate if this behavior can be improved in a future version.

Here is what I have used to handle that same problem.  Set the components as follows:

   MyScrollRegion (Align=alClient)
      MyTIWHTMLLabel (Align=alNone;Left=7;Width=308;Height=1500)
Then you can populate MyTIWHTMLLabel.HTMLText.  I tried using the dataaware version of the control, but it gave me unwanted behavior.  You can play with the Height by setting it to a large enough value to handle the expected amount of text.  I have even used an equation based upon the Length of the data.
The only down side is that the region will always scroll, and will always contain emtpy space.  My users still prefer the interface produced by the phone with the above controls and settings.