Installed - compiler error

Just prepping for a talk I am giving, did an update (see my post in VCL forums install about that) - so bad timing! :-)

Now when I compile I get:
[Fatal Error] output directory not found: "C:\data\ukBug\20180613 TMS Web Core talk\Prep 01\TMSWeb\Debug"

This is for a brand new (File New) TMS Web Core app, save, compile.  I can see the folder has been created and is the correct name (i.e. I have copied the above and pasted and it brings up explorer over that folder).

The folder only has:

I am wondering if, in the same way as the sub mgr is having a problem overwriting the setup.exe, that somehow I now have some old and some new files.  Alternatively it is something broken in the latest version.  I was using the 0.9.1 fine a while back.

I am about to:
- reboot and see if that makes any difference 
- uninstall TMS Web Core and ReInstall

Damn - a reboot fixed it.  Installer didn't tell me to reboot.

Now when I load the demo projects, the tell me about component properties not being 
I can see from the files unit dfm files....
  FormContainer = 'appcontent'
  TabOrder = 1

also looks like the web components aren't in the IDE.

So did the installer fail?  Are these deprecated properties?

Uninstalling webcore, renaming
C:\Users\jasonc\Documents\tmssoftware\xxxTMS WEB Core
C:\Users\Public\Documents\tmssoftware\xxxTMS WEB Core Demos
as the uninstaller left these.

Will try and install again.

So after uninstall and a delete of the folder above, then a re-install, the examples work correctly.

Looking at the dfm files they still   
FormContainer = 'appcontent'
TabOrder = 1
which now leads me to believe that the previous install actually had not installed the properly.  I also notice that the file | New | Other | TMS WEB now has 4 entries not 2. 
Lets hope it is OK now.  A bit of a de-railment for my prep - a couple of hours down....

Any thoughts, something to do with installers not running as admin?  Something else?

I suspect it comes from the dual installer approach. The installer wraps sub-installers specific to each supported Delphi version. We'll need to investigate to make the uninstall process of this approach better. We recommend to look for now under Windows Control Panel to uninstall the subinstaller after the install wrapper was uninstalled and after this, install the new version.

OK thanks.

Aside: PDF docs title for webcore = "TMS FNC Grid"

Good catch. We've fixed it.