Error trying to start application.

I have installed Delphi 12.2 update 1, and Web Core components,
I could start the Template UI example, all fine.

then I continued and installed FNC components, like maps, UI pack, etc. and also installed their WEB versions.

However, I can no longer start Template UI application, it get Error just after successful compile.

After getting this error, I uninstalled everything, including Delphi, and started over.
now even after installing just Delphi and WEB Core, Template UI cannot start.

How to fix it?

BTW I tried and, same result, once installation gets this error, uninstall/install does not help at all.


It looks like an issue with the command-line to startup the TMSWebServerManager.
Can you check under TMS WEB Core options

that is points to a correct path to this EXE?

my default setting was

resulted in error so
I also tried to find the the .exe and point to it, and tried this:

as the file on my pc was here

but the error message points that path is split by a space " " and then WEB and CORE ... are treated as parameters to command,
hence the setting here did not help at all.

Also tried adding " " to the path so it wont be split, but that did not work either.

but why it was ok initially, and then after installing other WEB enabled FNC components it stopped working ???


Maybe there is something in your TMS WEB Core path setup.
Can you inform about this library path? (first setting) and maybe test if you remove temporarily the new added FNC paths if this helps?

this path I think is correct

This is where is installed all FNC and BIZ components.

This trace might help you identify which setting is used, this is when error pops in under details.

[5C66CB43]{TMSWEBCorePkgDEDXE15.bpl} TMS.Web.Custom.Utility.TTMSCustomUtility.LaunchWebServer (Line 1263, "TMS.Web.Custom.Utility.pas" + 49) + $1D
[5C853CB2]{TMSWEBCorePkgDEDXE15.bpl} TMS.Web.IDE.NotifyDebugger.TTMSWebIDENotifierDebugger.BeforeProgramLaunch (Line 112, "TMS.Web.IDE.NotifyDebugger.pas" + 43) + $5A
[667DFF09]{coreide290.bpl} ...

I think it might be old bpl's somwhere messing around?
I used uninstall same as install, to remove old version before new version.

The reason I think it is this

but I have installed

Can you then please try to do a full uninstall first (via Windows Control Panel) and after that do a clean install again?

Can you try to set this option to true

the ShellExecute option helped :grinning:

thank you for your support.

BTW. I have installed and in options it is still showing, bit confusing.

Are you 100% sure you first FULLY uninstalled v2.6.0.0 before installing the new version? Uninstall via Windows Control Panel Add/Remove software

yes, full uninstall.

on my laptop I have installed:

but in options is showing


on my testing VM I have

and in options is showing

the number is consistently inconsistent :slight_smile:

We have seen this. There is indeed the IDE integration version and the framework itself version (under WEB Core components).
The version under IDE Options is the one to pay attention to.

Just one more question, as I could not find the answer in readme.

as I also use the FNC WEB components, do I need to uninstall all of FNC components before uninstalling WEB CORE, and then install everything back? (WEB Core and then FNC WEB)

Or I can just upgrade WEB CORE, and leave all FNC WEB components in Delphi ???


When you use the classic form designer, you can leave FNC components as-is.
If you use the new Web Form Designer , you'll need to recompile the TMS FNC Web packages