I am trying to install the IW components in Delphi XE 3 and arrived at the  IW14TMSXLSDXE3.dproj part of the procedure. After pressing "Install"  I get the following Warnings:

[dcc32 Warning] tmsiwUFlxMessages.pas(1380): W1000 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is deprecated: 'Use TFormatSettings.Create(Locale)' [dcc32 Warning] tmsiwUFlxMessages.pas(1380): W1002 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is specific to a platform[dcc32 Warning] tmsiwUFlxMessages.pas(1393): W1000 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is deprecated: 'Use TFormatSettings.Create(Locale)' [dcc32 Warning] tmsiwUFlxMessages.pas(1393): W1002 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is specific to a platform[dcc32 Warning] tmsiwUFlxNumberFormat.pas(180): W1000 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is deprecated: 'Use TFormatSettings.Create(Locale)'
[dcc32 Warning] tmsiwUFlxNumberFormat.pas(180): W1002 Symbol 'GetLocaleFormatSettings' is specific to a platform

Checking the offending lines I see code like:

function InvariantFormatSettings: PFormatSettings;
    if CachedInvariantCulture.DecimalSeparator = #0 then
          CachedInvariantCulture := TFormatSettings.Create('en-US');
    if CachedInvariantCulture.DecimalSeparator = #0 then
          GetLocaleFormatSettings($0409, CachedInvariantCulture);

    Result := @CachedInvariantCulture; end;

How come XE 3 isn't seen as DELPHIXEUP?

Must be a mistake in file FLXCOMPILER.INC, make sure the following is in this file:

{$IFDEF ConditionalExpressions}
      {$if CompilerVersion >= 21}


it's installed.

After installing and reopening XE3 I get another error message ("The program can't start because iw14tmsplandxe3.npl is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.").

The file is present in the location that Delphi expects it to be. I checked the file system and the file exists just once (in the directory 'Component' > 'Install Packages...' tells me it should be). I checked the registry to see if there are other locations Delphi could be checking, but all the paths are pointing to the same location.

B.t.w. I also see that the "TMS IntraWeb Excel Support", "TMS IntraWeb Grids" and "TMS IntraWeb Grids design time support" are disabled in aforementioned 'Install Packages...' window. I doubt that that is what it should be.

Anyone reading the posts?


The packages you mentioned should indeed not be displayed as disabled.
Can you try removing the packages and then re-install them one by one to see if there is a specific package that is causing a problem?

If the problem persists, can you please let me know exactly which version of IntraWeb you are using so I can further investigate this?

Make also sure that the folder where the file iw14tmsplandxe3.bpl is located is in your system path so the IDE can find it. (See Control Panel, System, Advanced Settings, Evironment, Path)

Thanks, I will get back to this. At this moment IntraWeb is disabled as their Key tool misidentified my XE 3 as Professional instead of the installed Enterprise. 

The IWPlanner DPKs have their paths set (DCP and BPL). As I had to change code to get it to work with IW 14.0.7 I deleted the paths and they were put in the default BPL location. Now everything works.
