I put an AdvOfficePager and an AdvOfficePagerOfficeStyler on a form, 5 pages. Everything looks good. I added a radiogroup box to allow selection of some styles. Works OK.
I added an AdvPanel to a form, align top, Then I added the AdvPanelStyler. Program is fubar.
E2010 Incompatible types: 'TOfficePagerStyle' and 'TAdvPanelStyle'
I deleted the AdvPanelStyler, but the error persists.
I deleted the AdvPanel and the error still persists.
How do I get my program fixed so that it compiles? I have deleted the identcache file but that made no difference.
Delphi XE7, current component set.
Also, is there a correct method to get the style to affect panels and officepagers at the same time?