AdvOfficePagerOfficeStyler conflict AdvPanelStyler

I put an AdvOfficePager and an AdvOfficePagerOfficeStyler on a form, 5 pages.  Everything looks good.  I added a radiogroup box to allow selection of some styles.  Works OK.

I added an AdvPanel to a form, align top, Then I added the AdvPanelStyler.  Program is fubar.  
     E2010 Incompatible types: 'TOfficePagerStyle' and 'TAdvPanelStyle'

I deleted the AdvPanelStyler, but the error persists.

I deleted the AdvPanel and the error still persists.

How do I get my program fixed so that it compiles?  I have deleted the identcache file but that made no difference.

Delphi XE7, current component set.

Also, is there a correct method to get the style to affect panels and officepagers at the same time?

Please prefix the style typenames by their proper unit namespace. This will fix the issue. This is also explained in the FAQ: 
