
Newbie with these controls, so bear with me.

I added a TAdvPanel and a TAdvPanelStyler to a project. Linked them. Then when I compiled I got the following error:

Undeclared identifier: tsWindows8.

The error is in the TAdvPanelStyler.SetComponentStyle method.

procedure TAdvPanelStyler.SetComponentStyle(AStyle: TTMSStyle);
  case AStyle of
    tsOffice2003Blue: Style := psOffice2003Blue;
    tsOffice2003Olive: Style := psOffice2003Olive;
    tsOffice2003Silver: Style := psOffice2003Silver;
    tsOffice2003Classic: Style := psOffice2003Classic;
    tsOffice2007Luna: Style := psOffice2007Luna;
    tsOffice2007Obsidian: Style := psOffice2007Obsidian;
    tsOffice2007Silver: Style := psOffice2007Silver;    
    tsWindowsXP: Style := psWindowsXP;
    tsWhidbey: Style := psWhidbey;
    tsWindowsVista: Style := psWindowsVista;
    tsWindows7: Style := psWindows7;
    tsTerminal: Style := psTerminal;
    tsOffice2010Blue: Style := psOffice2010Blue;
    tsOffice2010Silver: Style := psOffice2010Silver;
    tsOffice2010Black: Style := psOffice2010Black;
    tsWindows8: Style := psWindows8;
    tsOffice2013White: Style := psOffice2013White;
    tsOffice2013LightGray: Style := psOffice2013LightGray;
    tsOffice2013Gray: Style := psOffice2013Gray;

The last four elements of the case statement are undefined.

I'm using Delphi XE2 under 64 bit Win 7. Compiling Win32 with Debug on.
Packages compiled and installed correctly.

Never mind. I found it.