AdvPanel / Styler no longer compiles

Windows 7 Pro

Delphi XE7 Pro
TMS advpanel, advpanelstyler (does not have version in properties) from June 30 2015 release.

To reproduce:

Start new VCL Application - Delphi
Drop panel on form, align top
Drop panel on form, align client
Drop styler on form, select Windows 7 style
Set Panel1 styler, panel2 styler to dropped component
Select compile
10 errors, every time:

[dcc32 Error] advpanel.pas(989): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'ITMSStyleEx'
[dcc32 Error] advpanel.pas(6387): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'tsWindows10'
[dcc32 Error] advpanel.pas(6387): E2030 Duplicate case label
[dcc32 Error] advpanel.pas(6388): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'tsOffice2016White'
[dcc32 Error] advpanel.pas(6388): E2030 Duplicate case label
[dcc32 Error] advpanel.pas(6389): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'tsOffice2016Gray'
[dcc32 Error] advpanel.pas(6389): E2030 Duplicate case label
[dcc32 Error] advpanel.pas(6390): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'tsOffice2016Black'
[dcc32 Error] advpanel.pas(6390): E2030 Duplicate case label
[dcc32 Fatal Error] Unit1.pas(7): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'AdvPanel.pas'

New component pack release re-downloaded and re-installed.

Same errors.

There must be an old version file ADVSTYLEIF.PAS still around on your system. Locate & delete this old version.

I found one instance of the file and deleted it.  I found 4 instances of the DCU and deleted those.  I emptied the recycle bin.  I completely uninstalled and reinstalled the components.

Same exact compile errors.

Uninstalled the June 30 release and reverted to the previous release (June 15).  Compilation errors no longer occurring.

With a clean install this issue should not happen. Perhaps there were leftover TMSDXE7.BPL / TMSDXE7.DCP files

I searched and deleted these files, and then  installed the July 2 component package, version

Then recompiling an existing, working project, Delphi XE7, Windows 7 Pro, getting compile errors for AdvGlowButton:

[dcc64 Error] advglowbutton.pas(5296): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'tsOffice2016White'
[dcc64 Error] advglowbutton.pas(5296): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'tsOffice2016Gray'
[dcc64 Error] advglowbutton.pas(5296): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'tsOffice2016Black'
[dcc64 Error] advglowbutton.pas(5303): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'tsWindows10'
[dcc64 Error] advglowbutton.pas(5745): E2030 Duplicate case label
[dcc64 Error] advglowbutton.pas(5925): E2030 Duplicate case label
[dcc64 Error] advglowbutton.pas(5975): E2030 Duplicate case label
[dcc64 Error] advglowbutton.pas(6023): E2030 Duplicate case label
[dcc64 Fatal Error] F2063 Could not compile used unit 'AdvGlowButton.pas'

tsOffice2016White is declared in AdvStyleIF.pas, so the only reason I can see for the compiler not finding this value is that there is an old AdvStyleIF.* file around somewhere earlier in your library path than the latest version.

After reordering the library path, so that TMS Components precedes TMS Security, TMS Scripter, TMS Flexcel, TMS Diagram studio, the compilations now work.