Windows 10 Style UI

I am using the TMS Component Pack with C++Builder XE4 32 bit VCL  platform.

I installed the newest version and I did not see any docs discussing a Windows 10 style UI. I am still using the TAdvToolBarForm which was new when Windows 7 was out so I would like to update my program look.  Is there any docs or demos for a Windows 10 style UI? 

If you drop a TAdvFormStyler on the form with TAdvToolBarPager , you can set TAdvFormStyler.Style = tsWindows10 and all TMS components will adopt the Windows 10 color style.

all TMS components will adopt the Windows 10 color style.
ok ... and to exclude specific component with a custom backgroud / fill color ?

Implement AdvFormStyler.OnApplyStyle

procedure TForm1.AdvFormStyler1ApplyStyle(Sender: TObject;
  AComponent: TComponent; var Allow: Boolean);
  if AComponent = mycomponenttoexclude then
    Allow := false;