Web Tree VIew

Adding webtreeview to the project causes Delphi Insight to stop working. 
So editor doesn't show properties of classes any more. 

Is there any recommendation to overcome this?

Delphi 10.3. Community. 


Are you sure it's webtreeview that is causing this? A week ago I lost code insight in the main project I was working on, you really miss it when you're used to it. Strangely, new projects were ok. I searched for solutions, but none of them worked. Yesterday I installed IDE FIx Pack 6.4.4, and it brought code insight and completion back.


I'm Absolutely sure. 

1. Just create new project. Code completion works. 
2. add WebTreeView To the form. It stops to work. 
3. remove Unit WEBLib.TreeNodes and it is back. 

I had fixpack installed. and just in Case reinstalled it. didn't help :( 

I retested this here with the latest version of TMS WEB Core and Delphi 10.3.3 Rio but I could not reproduce this.

Are you sure you have a clean install of the latest version?
Is your IDE library path setup correct?