VCL FNC Gantt WIn 11 Fiker while mouse moving

i have the problem while testing fnc gantt chart. On VCL Project an youre samples if i move the mouse over the charts it starts to fliker (Refresh) the gant. On FMX and WEB the problem don't apprears.

I have record a video for showing the problem:

My installation:

latest fnc gant version; Delphi 12 with patch 1 on a WIn 11 Microsoft SurefaceBook 2

Are you using this via a Remote Desktop or a Virtual Machine?
As there are some known issues with flickering if you work this way.

But I'm not able to reproduce this problem on my system.

yes i use this system via Remote Desktop, i have tested direct and is ok.

I have clients with terminalserver or citrix heare i need a flicker free version ;-)

This is a known issue and this should be the solution based on the following thread:

You should set the TApplication.SingleBufferingInRemoteSessions property and set it to False.

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