TTMSFNCDataGridDatabaseAdapter Scrolling to last Record

When you connect a TTMSFNCDataGridDatabaseAdapter to the TTMSFNCDataGrid you can´t scroll to the last Row anymore. It always stops on the previous record:

This is especially not good when there is a scrollbar and users think they are already at the bottom of the Grid if the Scrollbar doesn´t progress anymore.

Which scroll action do you take, mouse wheel, keyboard, scrollbar?

I have the same. I'm using your demo UBiolifeClientDataSet. I'm scrolling using mouse whell, cursor stops at row before last. After clicking arrow down key on keyboard, cursor goes to the last row. I'm working with version on Delphi 11.3 VCL.

Hello Pieter,

like Koralewski_Krzysztof i´m scrolling with the mouse wheel.

Will investigate asap

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Fixed, thanks for reporting!

Thank you for the very fast solution @Pieter :smiley:

When is the next release containing the fix planned?

It's unclear, we have released an update last week and are currently monitoring. We'll see if we can release an update this week. If we can, most likely it will be wednesday or thursday. If you can apply it manually, the fix is easy:

In VCL.TMSFNCDataGridRenderer.pas:

Right side code snippet is newer

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