TMSFMXSignatureCapture Client aligned or all ancho

I have an IOS & Android app that is used to signing documents.

It worked fine with XE8 & IOS 8 but upgrading to IOS 9 and Seattle I'm getting the following error...

"Project dyld_sim raised exception class ECanvasException with message 'Handle not allocated'"

If I break, it puts me in TCanvasGpu.CreateFromBitmap in FMX.Canvas.GPU

Deleting the Signature Capture and putting it on the form without Align.Client or standard Left and Top anchors loads OK

Using latest TMS Pack for Firemonkey

Can anybody help?

We have tested this here and are not able to reproduce this.

Can you perhaps send us a sample that is able to demonstrate this so we can further investigate this here?

Kind Regards, 

Hi Pieter

Here's a quick project that I'm still getting the error with.

Tested with iPad2 iOS 9.0 Simulator, I get the error. Direct on ipad it just starts to open then closes.


I also have then same problem.

It worked fine with XE8, but upgrading to XE10 raises error when align:= Client, If I changed to None or Top ..atc, it's all OK!


With your sample, we were able to reproduce this and we have applied a fix for this issue.
The next version will address this.

Kind Regards, 

Thanks Pieter

I won't ask when, as I'm having one of those pestered days today, so I'll let you off :)


The answer to your question is today :)

Kind Regards, 