I guessing there no wordwarp option?

Besides that AdpaptToStyle does not seem to work if using style manager. I only saw it work if use stylebox without style manager which is no good if the app needs to be able to switch styles. Is there anyway to get the control to adapt to the style manually? 

Sorry to ask more questions, but I note when using lines.add() and GoToTextEnd that the scroll bar does not scroll down. The scroll bar stays up top while it shows the end of text. 

More one thing when adding text to memo with lines.add it does not always update the text that displays. I need to click the memo for it to update. Note this issue does not happen if there enough text that it scroll down.

For updating, please use BeginUpdate & EndUpdate wrappers. No there is no wordwrapping option. The TTMSFMXMemo is intended for a code editor that is based on a lines collection. The lines itself are not automatically wordwrapped. If you want to have wordwrapping you should take a look at the TTMSFMXRichEditor instead.