TMS Memo WordWrap

How can I switch on Word Wrap in FMXMemo

where is the wordWrap property hidden?

It does also not wrap even if it's right of right margin ...

Sorry, there is at this time not yet word wrap support in TTMSFMXMemo.

too bad - without that - and without right margin working -  i can't use it

Really looking for a wordwrap feature for the TTMSFMXMemo component. It is available by now?

For a cross platform memo control with wordwrap capability, we suggest to have a look at TTMSFNCRichEdit in TMS FNC UI Pack:

Mr. fierens

It's been 12 days I did not receive any solution on another "thread", I'm so sorry to write you inside this, but who else can help me???

My colleague followed up.
Please understand that primary task of support is to help with technical issues. As far as I understand, your request is for coding something for you.

I think you can set/insert a linebreak manually if count of chars = X, or not.

You can also manually protocol the last chars, words, etc. and in onKeyDown..