TMS VCL UI Pack install problem

Smarty Setup, today:

  • TMS VCL UI Pack
    [14:43:10] - Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
    [14:43:10] - win32intel -> OK.
    [14:43:10] - win64intel -> FAILED.
    [14:43:10] - TMS VCL Grid Excel Bridge 3.2
    [14:43:10] - Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
    [14:43:10] - win32intel -> OK.
    [14:43:10] - win64intel -> FAILED.

Recently (about 20 days ago) I did a fresh installation. ( BDS -r parameter ). Is it really not possible to remove the installation errors that keep happening? I assume it's still the same principle of that error.

The most common cause is a configuration issue on your side for the Win64 compiler. To begin with, all library paths for Win64 need to be setup correct.
So, please verify your Win64 compile & library settings.
If a problem persists, send the log file so we can inspect.

I didn't change anything compared to the previous successful attempt. I don't know what settings we are talking about.
I can reset BDS again with -r, but this time it probably wouldn't help.
I am very careful. But periodically similar errors appear.
Is it possible to use Smart Setup to install the old TMS VCL UI Pack version that worked reliably for me the first time?

Please send us the log of the error, without it, it is very difficult to know what is happening. I am personally installing and uninstalling VCL UI pack in win64 tens of times a day while testing some new smartsetup functionality, and I haven't seen any errors.

The current "D:\tms\Logs\" is attached.

Still does not work. The previous version worked for me.
Between the previous and this version, I practically did not use the computer. Therefore, I don't know where I could make a mistake.
I have Alll Access version and the other components were installed correctly. Including the new FNC

[23:59:43] - TMS VCL UI Pack -> FAILED.
[23:59:43] - Delphi 10.2 Tokyo -> FAILED.
[23:59:43] - win64intel -> FAILED.
[23:59:43] - TMS VCL Grid Excel Bridge 3.2 -> FAILED.
[23:59:43] - Delphi 10.2 Tokyo -> FAILED.
[23:59:43] - win64intel -> FAILED.
The current "D:\tms\Logs\" is attached. (163.7 KB)

As you can see my Delphi version is Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.
It has already happened in the past that there was no problem in higher versions, but from my version and down, some code was wrong or was not properly updated in the installation. I personally dealt with it here earlier.
To Adrian's note: I have also successfully installed TMS VCL UI Pack many times so far.
But I had a problem with VCL with Excel Bridge in the days before Smart Setup. Not since then.

This is a weird one. The error you are getting is:

D:\tms\Products\tms.vcl.uipack\AdvMenus.pas(33): error F2084: Internal Error: URW6300

But I've just tried it here with Tokyo, and it compiles correctly. Do you have all updates applied? (it should be 10.2.3). This looks like a bug in the compiler that was fixed in an update (because here with 10.2.3 it is compiling correctly)

My Delphi version:
Delphi 10.2 and C++Builder 10.2 Update 3

What happens when you open from the IDE TMSVCLUIPackDXE11Group.groupproj and then do a build & install of the packages it contains?

[dcc64 Error] TMSVCLUIPackPkg.dpk(177): E1030 Invalid compiler directive: 'LIBSUFFIX'

If I disable this line:


then this happens::

Can't load package TMSVCLUIPackPkg$(Auto).bpl. The system cannot find the file specified

Valid for:
tms version 1.0.31
TMS VCL UI Pack too

The last successfully installed version was "TMS VCL UI Pack"

This is an unpleasant situation, because the TMS VCL UI Pack is essential for the other components

I told you to open TMSVCLUIPackDXE11Group.groupproj
The packages contained in this group do not use LIBSUFFIX

I couldn't open the file "TMSVCLUIPackDXE11Group.groupproj" because I didn't have such a file on the disk before and I don't have it now

I cannot understand why do you not have this file. I'm 100% sure this file is included in the distribution.
I added it here too in case you lost it somehow. (773 Bytes)

Fresh BDS and TMS Smart Setup install:
To be sure, I backed up BDS again (in registry file) and created a new BDS version in the registry. I deleted the old tms installation library too.
Then I started a fresh smart setup. Everything installed perfectly except VCL UIPack and Excel Bridge. The error only applies to the 64-bit version. Other installations were successful including 64 bit.
I have AllAccess, so there are also many successful installations.

Only VCL UIPack starting from version 13.1.4 is a problem. Everything was going great for me before.

I'm going to look at the file you attached.
I have this:
and this:

I am attaching a new file (239.1 KB)

And the "$LIBSUFFIX AUTO" exists in my TMSVCLUIPackGroup.groupproj

The error we see is:

D:\tms\Products\tms.vcl.uipack\AdvMenus.pas(33): error F2084: Internal Error: URW7474

This means your compiler does not seem to work properly. Is this Delphi 10.2 with all update packs installed? As everything is automatically tested here against all supported Delphi versions and all compiles pass on a regular Delphi environment. So, something must be broken in your install. Try to ensure there is a clean installed Delphi with all update packs.

From Delphi IDE/Help/About:
Embarcadero® Delphi 10.2 Version 25.0.31059.3231
Installed Updates:
Delphi 10.2 And C++Builder 10.2 Update 3

Is this good version?

My current TMS installations (via Smart Setup):

But "tms.vcl.uipack" and "tms.vcl.excel.bridge" have a problem compiling the 64-bit version.
Other TMS installations went without problems. Including 64 bit versions.

Just for fun, I play with VCLUIPack version "".
For 32 bit version runs completely without error.

Here's a confirmed problem for 64 bit:
64 bit version reports the following:
TMSVCLUIPackPkg250.bpl runs without error.
TMSVCLUIPackPkgEx250.bpl reports these 2 errors:
[dcc64 Fatal Error] TMSVCLUIPackPkg.dpk(1): E2225 Never-build package 'TMSVCLUIPackPkg' must be recompiled
[dcc64 Fatal Error] TMSVCLUIPackPkgEx.dpk(117): E2202 Required package 'TMSVCLUIPackPkg' not found

It seems that the path "D:\tms\Products\tms.vcl.uipack\packages\dtokyo\Win64\Debug" is missing in the project.
Where should I add it in the registry?


"tms.vcl.excel.bridge" has the same problem for 64 bit.
He is missing a path:

The whole thing is probably more complicated, because something similar applies not only to the Debug, but also to the Release version.

Maybe that's the whole fundamental problem!

Compiling TMSVCLUIPackPkg250.bpl for

  • "Win32/Debug"
  • "Win32/Release" and
  • "Win64/Debug" runs OK.
    but in the case of Win64/Release compilation it will be interrupted by this error:

"[dcc64 Fatal Error] AdvMenus.pas(33): F2084 Internal Error: URW7474"
Reason: {$IFDEF DELPHI2006_LVL},ActnMan {$ENDIF} in AdvMenu.pas unit.


I can only think there is something corrupt on your machine.
I cannot see an issue with the unit ActnMan.
Do you also see a problem when you just add ActnMan to the uses list in a new app and compile for Win64?

Main information:
After a total reinstallation of Delphi Tokyo version 10.2.3, Smart Setup already works exactly as it should.

Currently, the installations of all TMS AllAccess components went without error for me.
In my defense, I have this to say: I previously tried a project that contained ActnMan, including the Win64/Release version, and it ran without error.
OK, the fault was on my side anyway. I apologize for taking up your time.
Therefore, as a bonus for users who follow this (Smart Setup) discussion, I offer 2 pieces of "batch" file for basic information about currently valid Smart Setup installations, including Smart Setup upgrade itself.
(Based on cmd.exe)
The solution has been working great for me for some time now. It also saves my effort.
Only one of the attached batches should be run: "_run CMD tms - English.bat".
In my case I have Smart Setup in "D:\tms" library. The attached batch files also belong there
An explanation of how it works can be seen in the following figure: (553 Bytes)

Thank you for your understanding and willingness

It seems that the path "D:\tms\Products\tms.vcl.uipack\packages\dtokyo\Win64\Debug" is missing in the project .

It should be missing. You should only have \Release in the library path, not \Debug:

Debug dcus go into the "Debug Dcus" entry, but if they don't exist, it doesn't matter.

"tms.vcl.excel.bridge" has the same problem for 64 bit.

The bridges are never going to install correctly until the vcl.uipack is installed correctly. You are having an issue with TMSVCLUIPackPkg250.bpl, then all packages that depend on it won't compile either, as expected. This includes the bridges.

but in the case of Win64/Release compilation it will be interrupted by this error:

"[dcc64 Fatal Error] AdvMenus.pas(33): F2084 Internal Error: URW7474"
Reason: {$IFDEF DELPHI2006_LVL},ActnMan {$ENDIF} in AdvMenu.pas unit.

Yes, that's the error in the log, and what causes all the other packages that depend on it to fail:

The problem is that we can't reproduce it here, as you can see in the screenshot below, for delphi tokyo win64, TMSVCLUIPackPkg250.bpl compiles correctly here:

You also get a lot of warnings I am not getting, which is strange. It looks like somehow your machine is compiling more files. But I've checked and we are both compiling

I also started a clean VM, installed Delphi 10.2.3 there, did a tms install tms.vcl.uipack, and it installed without issues, so there is something wrong with your configuration. Compiler is the same as you posted:

Compiling "Products\tms.vcl.uipack\packages\dtokyo\TMSVCLUIPackPkg.dproj" from the IDE also works:

Now, it looks like if you are compiling the wrong packages here:

[dcc64 Error] TMSVCLUIPackPkg.dpk(177): E1030 Invalid compiler directive: 'LIBSUFFIX'

If I disable this line:

I've checked and libsuffix auto is only set in D11 and D12 (as it should be): The Tokyo packages don't have that line. And smartsetup shouldn't try to compile D11 packages in tokyo:

As you can see, those are all in d11 and d12 folders.

The weirdest part is that you are getting warnings like

D:\tms\Products\tms.vcl.uipack\AdvJSONReader.pas(469): warning W1063: Widening given AnsiChar constant (#$FF) to WideChar lost information

which I don't get here. This is the full list of warnings I get, both from IDE or from smartsetup:

So something is different in your configuration. I've tried it in 3 different machines here, including a VM I created from scratch, and it worked in all 3 machines.

I don't know what else to say. Can you try installing 10.2.3 in a clean virtual machine and trying to install fnc pack there?