TMS Pack for Firemonkey Installation issue

I have tried twice to install TMS Pack for Firemonkey. I STILL USE XE5 and XE7 and XE8. I will eventually move to XE8 but I cannot yet.

During install NO ERROR, says finished OK. XE5 and XE7 installed fine. When I run XE8 an error during boot: 'Can't load Package C:\Users\Public.....\TMSFMXPackPkgDXE8.bpl'.

The specified module could not be found. .......

I also get the same error for C:\Users\Public.....\TMSFMXPackPkgDEDXE8.bpl.

Manual compilation gives multiple errors.

Can you send us the log file that is generated under My Documents? It should be formatted with the product name and the version number.

Kind Regards, 