Please look at the attached small demo project with THTMLabel: (1.2 KB)
I suppose this is due to Autosizing?
Can you please fix these bugs?
(Word-Wrap is working well)
We applied improvements that will be included in the next update.
Thank you very much. Your support is amazing!
I am looking forward to the next update.
THTMLabel Padding in TMS VCL UI Pack is still not working as intended:
It should be 8 on Top and 8 on Bottom:
...when AutoSize = asVertical:
...and VAlignment = tvaCenter:
Left has padding Top/Bottom = 8, total vert. autosized height is 48
Right has padding Top/Bottom = 0, total vert. autosized height is 32
The difference is correct, i.e. 8 top pixels + 8 bottom pixels