THTMLabel incorrect autosizing


I am trying to create a THTMLabel instance which would sit in the bottom right corner of a container control, accept any text and autoresize so that it would show all of that text. Unfortunately, it exhibits a number of issues.

1) Incorrect display with autosizing and right-alignment:

object HTMLabel3: THTMLabel
AutoSizing = True
      AutoSizeType = asBoth
HTMLText.Strings = ('<P align="right">HTMLabel3</P>')

This label does not display at all. It needs AutoSizing=False and/or AutoSizeType=asVertical.

2) Impossible to grow towards the Top:

    object HTMLabel3: THTMLabel
Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
      AutoSizing = True
HTMLText.Strings = ('<P align="right">HTMLabel3</P><P align="right">Line2</P>')
VAlignment = tvaBottom

On new lines, I would like to grow this label vertically towards the top. E.g., when only one text line is present, the label would have Top=100, Height=20. With two lines, it would have Top=80, Height=40. With three lines, Top=60, Height=60. In reality, I am getting a constant Top=100 and growing Height. Since the whole idea is to anchor the label to the bottom of the containing control, this results in only the first line ever being visible. I need to manually update the Top property after each HTMLText change to achieve the desired effect.