Issue with HotmailRowSelect and Checkbox Alignment

I am using the AdvStringGrid with a CheckBoxColumn.
The Alignments (horizontal and vertical) are respected.
But when enabling RowSelectPersistent, the alignment is ignored and the checkboxes are placed on the top left border.


//  ScaleBy(2,1);
  grid1->WordWrap = false;
  grid1->Multilinecells = true;
  grid1->VAlignment = vtaCenter;
  grid1->DefaultAlignment = taCenter;

  grid1->RowCount = 15;
  grid1->ColCount = 3;
  grid1->FixedRows = 1;
  grid1->FixedCols = 0;

  grid1->InsertCols(0, 1);

  grid1->MouseActions->CheckAllCheck = true;
  grid1->MouseActions->DisjunctRowSelect = true;
  grid1->MouseActions->DisjunctRowSelectNoCtrl = true;
  grid1->MouseActions->HotmailRowSelect = true; // <<< bad boy
  grid1->MouseActions->RowSelect = true;
  grid1->MouseActions->RowSelectPersistent = true;
  grid1->Navigation->MoveRowOnSort = true;

Additionally, the checkbox are not scaled when the DPI of the monitor is increased. The font is scaled.

Help is appreciated.


  • C++Builder 10.2.3
  • VCL UI Pack

We could reproduce this and we've applied a fix. Next update will address this.