TDBAdvGrid SaveToCSV method does not work properly

When exporting to csv filе using SaveToCSV method - the resulting file is not correct.
It saves few normal rows and the rest of the rows are repeating one row.TDBAdvGrid_export.txt (774.1 KB) Correct_export.txt (648.6 KB)
Delphi 10.3.3 v.26.0.36039.7899
TDBAdvGrid Sep. 2020

Can you try to set grid.PageMode = false?

Hello, Bruno!
Thank you for the prompt reply.
I have tried to change PageMode:=False;
Unfortunately no change – the result is still the same (not correct).
This was working fine until upgrade to Delphi10.3.3 and TMS upgrade to current version

I cannot see a problem here.
I retested this with the demo under Demo\DBAdvGrid\AdoEditing and added DBAdvGrid.SaveToCSV() and this CSV is correct.
What are you doing different?