TDBAdvGrid - FixedRows not saving

Hi, I've just noticed a small issue where the FixedRows property of TDBAdvGrid is not being saved when the form is saved and reloaded.

Simple way to reproduce - drop a TDBAdvGrid on a form. Set FixedRows = 2, FixedRowAlways = 2, RowCount = 3. Save the form, close it, then re-load. FixedRows is now 1!!!

Delphi XE5. Found in TDBAdvGrid, but have just tested with latest VCLUIPack, which has TDBAdvGrid

I retested this with TMS VCL UI Pack v10.5.4.1 but could not reproduce this. (8.5 KB)

Attached is the test project.
In the DFM, it is persisted with
RowCount = 3
FixedRows = 2
and this is how it appears when reopening the form in the IDE.

Hi Bruno,

Apologies, looks like when I did my 'clean' install of VCLUIPack to check this issue in the latest version there were some old bpls or dcus hanging around, because DBAdvGrid was still showing Just done another install, and with the problem is fixed.