TAdvGridExcelIO save to file

I'm using "TadvGrigExcel.XLSExport (filename, 'DBgrid')" when I export to xls the system only saves the visible rows of the grid.

Embarcadero Rad 10.1 Delphi 10 Seattle
Is there any property to activate to solve the problem?

Does it help to set DBAdvGrid.PageMode = false?

Thanks for the answer but I have activated the property "PAGEMODE = FALSE" but in the export not only if I click on the dbgrid and I move down the system exports all the rows, skipping the first row anyway.

What are you doing different from the example in demo Demo\DBAdvGrid\ADOXlsExport?
I retested this and I cannot see a problem with our demo. Please compare with this demo and use its approach.