Question about TDBAdvGrid SaveToCSV

Dear TMS team,

The DBAdvGrid's DataSource is linked with a TAureliusDataset, and that's record count is 46.

The SaveToCSV executed after the DataSet open, the file has valid columns value only 5 rows, the other 41 rows of columns have an empty string("").

But after executing the following codes or clicking some column, the whole rows has the valid column's value.
  Grid.Col := 1;

My question is how can I SaveToCSV without the previous code or clicking.
Or, I seek a piece of advice. 

Thank you.

Can you try to set DBAdvGrid.PageMode = false?

When I setted the PageMode := False and wrapped beginupdate and endupdate like the following code, then the issue has been resolved.

Thank you.

      Grid.PageMode := False;
      Grid.SaveWithHTML := False;
      Grid.SaveToCSV(LFileName, SaveDialog.FilterIndex = 1);
      Grid.PageMode := True;