TDBAdvGrid Lookup Problem/Bug

Just uploaded the latest TMS components version and spent a day trying to figure out how to get a look-up field to work, like it did using the old TDBGrid.

Using XE3 on 64Bit windows , Component pack

Open up the demo TMS ADOLookup, Complies OK, Changed the lookpup.mdb location that's all.

Compile and run.

Two grids appear, if you select the right hand column in the first grid a drop down appears, this is empty and is not looking up the values from the second table as expected.

This is replicating exactly what is happening in my application..

What have i done wrong....or is this a bug ?

Thanks Colin

Just loaded my old Version of XE and using the ADOLookup TMS exampleDOwnloaded yesterday from TMS WEB site) we get the same problem, it gives index out of range when you try to use the drop down for the country select.

IS anyone about or are we all at THE SHOW ?......

I am worried i may have broken all my clients projects now using this version...    :-( 

Thanks for reporting.
We have traced & solved this issue and can confirm this will be fixed in the next update scheduled most likely for Apr 29.

Thanks Bruno,

Client is screaming at me to get this project issued and I have told them they wont have long to wait once this issue is fixed. Thanks for the fix and look forward to Monday the 29th .. :-)