Issue with scrolling through TDBAdvGrid

I found a serious issue in the TDBAdvGrid.

I just sent an email to the support, but would like to share it with the community, just in case anyone else has the same issue. In fact I cannot understand that this was not reported earlier, but I probably just did not see it.
I just copy and paste from my email to the support:

I use Delphi 10.1Berlin Update 2 with the latest release of TMS Component Pack (downloaded yesterday).

I found a potential bug in TDBAdvGrid.
I have a form with a TDBAdvGrid and a Dataset component.
I have a query that fetches about 250 records (simulated it with a TClientdataset). When the height of the grid is any value of for example 471 to 479 or 521 to 529 or 571 to 579 etc. scrolling down using PgDn or the Cursor key, stops at some point. You cannot scroll down to the last record. At least the grid makes it look like. The dataset is in fact at the last record.
When I set DatasetType to dtSequenced it works ok, but when I scroll back up then all rows are displayed empty except the current row. At least that does my real world app with IBDAC on a Firebird Database but not the demo app with the TClientDataset.

There are combinations of Grid.Height and FixedRowHeight that work and there are some, that don't work.
For example when Grid.Height = 521 and FixedRowHeight = 51 it does not work. Any value for FixedRowHeight below 51 works.

Herre you can download a demo app.

You can play around with values for Grid.Height and FixedRowHeight by using the spinedits.

Here is a compiled version, just in case you cannot compile it. 

Funny thing, isn't it?

Best Regards

Thanks for reporting.
We traced & fixed this issue and can confirm the next update will address this.

Sounds great. Thanks Bruno for the quick fix.

When will the next update be available?

Release is scheduled for Apr 20.

Thank you