Trying to Custom style and it keeps resetting to WindowsXp.
Is this the latest version of TMS VCL UI Pack you use?
With this latest version, I cannot see such issue here.
It's definitely messed up here. Is the UIStyle a new addition ? Cause looking at the dfm of a very very early copy of my form, it was there. Also looking at the dfm of the present form, Look isn't present on all of the DBAdvGrids that i'm using.
Look was set to Listview. UIStyle is Xp.
Looking at one of the DBAdvGrids.
If i change on the UIStyle to custom and save and compile everything is fixed. (after I've changed all the colors, headers, styling and everything back as it was, well as close to).
Close the form, reopen. Go back to UIStyle and its back to xp. Obviously compile and its messed up again.
The critical information here was the setting glListView for grid.Look.
That allowed us to reproduce it and see the issue.
It has been fixed now and the next release will have this fix.
awesome. thanks
Yes had to do some investigating on why it was changing.
Hi, any rough idea when a fix will be coming please???
Got a new version of my software I could do with rolling out but unfortunately my grids wont stick with what I want and I have data on a cell click checking whats on the first column but it keeps going to fixed and doesn't display my drawn text so the program doesn't work as expected, so I' m having to sit on the release.
A release is planned for July 30
Installed the new version.
Set the look to Listview. Changed the UIstyle to custom. Compiled. Was ok.
Closed the software down, reopened and its gone back to xp for uistyle. Recompiled and its changed its appearance again.
We could indeed see a further design-time specific issue that we further investigated & fixed. We'll release an update with the fix shortly.