TAdvToolbarPager and TAdvGlowButton

I've just upgraded to TMS Component pack and have noticed that
TAdvGlowButtons added to a TAdvToolBar at runtime now no longer resize correctly, and are a different size to those I add at design time.

The buttons I create at design time, when I set AutoSize=TRUE are 24 pixels high, the ones I create at runtime are 41 pixels high.

My TAdvToolbar has AutoSize:=TRUE, AutoPositionControls:=TRUE and AutoArrangeButtons:=TRUE

When I create the TAdvGlowButton I set AutoSize:=TRUE, MinButtonSizeState:=bsLabel and MaxButtonSizeState:=bsLabel;

Is there a method I need to call after adding buttons at runtime?

Is this a ribbon toolbar or docked toolbar?

I've rechecked our demos for both and I cannot see any issue.
If a problem persists, please contact us by email with a sample source project that demonstrates the issue.

It's on a ribbon toolbar. Have sent a sample project via email.