TAdvToolBarButton improper sizing

Hi all!
There is new mistake with TAdvToolBar detected after update
All TAdvToolBarButtons placed on TAdvToolBar takes their size automatically as usual.
But now they are goes too big and partially hidden under toolbar. Also all images shifted down.
Manual sizing do not help in runtime sizes changes automatically and after reopen project all manually set sizes reset to default.

Screenshot included:

I could not see this here so far with the latest version v8.3.3.0.
If a problem persists with this latest version, could you please send by email some sample source project with which we can reproduce this here, so we see all property settings & code involved?

I'll send an email on "help" address with sample project.
An older release display buttons correctly, but newer up to latest have this issue.
Looks like the reason of issue is a visible Caption of ToolBar and only if ToolBar property FullSize set to True.

We have applied a fix for this. Next update will have this fixed.