TAdvSmoothTimeLine Samples on Delphi XE3

The TimeLine-samples shipped with Component Pack cannot be opened/run with Delphi XE3.

It works fine with Delphi 2010 installed on the same machine.
I tried to un-/reinstall Component pack - but same problem.
I know that this is a poor problem description - I just wanted to know if this is a general problem that maybe came up with XE3 or making AdvSmoothTimeLine ready for XE3 ?


We are able to reproduce this here, unfortunately we haven't found a workaround for this.
We will investigate this further.
The general demo for the timeline should work as expected.

Kind Regards, 

Hello Pieter,

thanks for quick response.
Just for information  - I was also faced with problems when adding more than one annotation to a AdvSmoothTimeLine. But I'm not quite sure if it is a problem of the component or if I did not use correct.
Regards, Tom