TDBAdvSmoothComboBox problem

We experienced an issue with the TDBAdvSmoothComboBox having differents behaviors depending on different factors:

  • Opening it with no items before populating it
  • If the datasource is connected to another db componant
  • The position of the component in the DFM file (order  wich we are dropping the items linked to the same datasource on the form)

I reproduced the behavior in the grid below.

Thanks in advance.

The TDBAdvSmooth

ComboBox was previously opened with no item before populating it the first time

Have another component connected to the same DataSource as the TDBAdvSmooth


The code of the other component is placed (before/after) the TDBAdvSmooth






The component populate itself correctly but the datasource lookup did not work correctly




The component populate with “item 0” in each rows except the last one.

The Lookup of the datasource work correctly and the items corrects   itself as we click on it




The TDBAdvSmooth

The component populate itself correctly, The Lookup of the datasource work correctly UNTIL we emptied the list … After that, The component populate with “item 0” in each rows except the last one.

The Lookup of the datasource work correctly and the items corrects   itself as we click on it




The component populate with “item 0” in each rows except the last one.

The Lokkup of the datasource work correctly and the items correct itself as we click on it




The component populate itself correctly but the datasource lookup did not work correctly




The component populate with “item 0” in each rows except the last one.

The Lookup of the datasource work correctly and the items corrects   itself as we click on it

We have the last version of the componant pack and work with Delphi 7

Thanks again !


As these are specific cases, and it might also relate to the other component that you are using, 
could you perhaps send us a sample screenshot that demonstrates this and can you also test if the component is working correctly if it is used without the second component?

The sample can be sent to with the content of the post.

Kind Regards, 

As you can see in the grid, the problem occurs even if you don't have any other component linked to the same datasource as the TDBAdvSmoothComboBox.

As another test, we even tried to link two TDBAdvSmoothComboBox to the same datasource wich was linked to a simple clientdataset(populated by file) 
TDBAdvSmoothComboBox  will populate correctly the other one with only show item 0...

We have also a 
Exception EAccessViolation when we close the application.

By the way, the first problem mentioned at first, occured when linked to a SDQuery wich is connected to a SQL Server DB.

I tried several method of populating the datasource (SDQuery, ClientDataset, AdoQuery, etc...) But the first problem seems to happen when connected to a SDQuery.

The last exemple above append even with a standalone client dataset.

I will post you a demo project as I will be able to emulate de connexion to our Database.

Thanks again for your fast answer.

We have retested this here but are unable to reproduce this.

Included is a sample that demonstrates this.

Did you select a Field for the Caption in the DBAdvSmoothComboBox?

Kind Regards, 

Thanks for the demo,

Unfortunatly , the following error occured in you demo when i tried to close the app :

Exception EAccessViolation dans le module Demo.exe dans 000B0F44.

Violation d'accès à l'adresse 004B0F44 dans le module 'Demo.exe'. Lecture de l'adresse 01EE4280.

Another point is that  unfortunately, the demo seems to be in another version than Delphi 7 and I had to modify some uses to be able to compile.

I was not able to reproduce the «item 0» bug since, i cannot close the clientdataset without loosing all the data in it....

Thanks again for the time in your research.


So you are not able to reproduce this in our demo ?
Can you perhaps send us a sample that demonstrates your issues in Delphi 7 so we can investigate?

Kind Regards, 