Demo & Delphi 7

I have some problems when trying to compile the TMS Components pack  demo samples with delphi 7 on Windows seven. :

= Application.MainFormOnTaskbar  (ex in TMS Component Pack\Samples\AdvPolyList\Overview demo) not allowed before delphi 2007 => in comment is OK.

= Sometimes message about some non existant properties (ex : explicitTop & explicitwidth in \TMS Component Pack\Samples\AdvOfficeStatusBar) => ignore is OK.

= Sometimes miss some unit ex : AdvsmoothGDIP in TMS Component Pack\Samples\AdvSmoothMegaMenu => no solution.

  1. Demo was created with a newer version than Delphi 7, comment the line for Delphi 7
    2) Demo was created with a newer version than Delphi 7, Open the project, ignore these property errors upon opening, save the form file and the problem will not reappear
    3) Replace AdvSmoothGDIP with AdvGDIP

Thanks Bruno

for 1/ & 2/ it wad just for information : I was yet using your solutions, may be a {$IFDEF VERxx}.will be good 
OK for the 3/ it runs !