TAdvOfficePager TabVisible working but leaving tab header space

I have updated to the latest TMS software for the latest fixes tAdvStringGrid which fixed issue with oncellclick but have now come across a problem with TAdvOfficePager. We generate the whole component in code and set the tabsettings.height to 0 and the tab.tabvisible property to false but it still leaves the tab spacing there and it does not go full size to the page control this worked in older versions.

TabVisible = False Tab height = 0;

TabVisible = True Tab height = 0

This filled the screen before not leaving a blank space where the tab was.

Is there a setting i'm missing?

Thanks for you help

We did not change anything in the latest update wrt TAdvOfficePager.

I execute following code on a TAdvOfficePager that has a client aligned red panel:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  AdvOfficePager11.TabVisible := false;
  AdvOfficePager12.TabVisible := false;
  AdvOfficePager13.TabVisible := false;
  AdvOfficePager1.TabSettings.Height := 0;


Thanks, I have found the cause we did come from an old version it looks like when you have all the tabvisible := false that it would hide the tab bar even when a tab height is set in the older version. But setting the tab height to anything other than 0 shows the gap in the latest version even though all tabs are not visible. we had a generic routine running that setups all our page controls to be the same including a generic height I have just allowed for it to check if any tabs are visible before setting the height > 0, which has cured the issue for me.

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