TAdvOfficeTabSet with HighDPI Issues

UI Pack v10.7.5
Delphi 11.1
Windows 10 Pro

With a 150% Windows-Scaling on a v2Monitor Project TAdvOfficeTabSets close button with
CloseButtonLook := cblChrome
the close button is normally sized, but when hovering over it, is gets too big.
And with
CloseButtonLook := cblOffice
and a chosen glyph, the button seems to be too big. With the tab form
TabSettings.Shape := tsRightRamp
the close button overlappes the ramp formed tab.

We applied improvements that will be included in the next update.
When you use custom picture or Chrome close button look, we recommend you set FullHeight = false.

I just installed the VCL UI Pack 10.7.6 but the huge cblChrome close button is still there (with FullHeight := false)
Is it possible you fixed this for TAdvOfficePager instead? It looks normal there. Only the "Add Button" looks also quit big.

There was indeed a confusion with TAdvOfficePager.
We applied further improvements now also to TAdvOfficeTabSet. Next update will have these improvements.