DBAdvGrid - new update - certain colour properies

I just went to

as per

- had 10.1 something
-for grids inside FRAMES;

--my grids has all 'shades' of grey for active cell color and they still do in the FRAME.

But the Frame in the form - has something different
and 'revert to inherited' does not update back to original properties.
=please advise

I can send screen shots of FRAME vs Main Form:


I'm sorry but I cannot make much sense of your description of what exactly is happening.


Bruno Fierens2020-03-13 16:16:35

We received your email and replied and included a test project with which we cannot see any issue. has made the issue manage able.

The frame instance in the main form have the 'funny' colour properties but now 'revert to inherited' works..

as per earlier private emails:
The frame that exhibited the 'funny colour' by itself had to be re-done but the frame instance follows what is modified in the original frame.

thank you
-issue NOT resolved for TDBAdvMemo

What issue? I see no prior referenes to TDBAdvMemo here?!

you are correct - I did not specifically mention it.  It was shown in the screen shots I sent. but the grid issue was more important.

-perhaps the memo issue is similar:
" Issue with persisting UIStyle property in TAdvStringGrid"?

once again,
thank you

So, what EXACT issue?

I retested now for TAdvMemo, TDBAdvMemo all possible UIStyle values and I could not see any unexpected behavior.
Please read
I could not reproduce the issue on the test Project.

But upon closer investigation on the problematic project:
1. the DBAdvMemo  after the update changed their appearance -the left boarder
    with the line#s all turned 'blue'.  - Similar colour scheme - theme as the visual problem
    of the DBAdvGrid. - To recap, this did not happen with many updates since the application
2. 'fixed' the issue with the DBAdvGrid - though I had to 'revert to inherited' for all instances.
3. the DBAdvMemo still showed the not - original colour scheme. My first attempt to 'fix' the colour by
    changing the source FRAME UIStyle to something close to the original and then had to revert to
    inherited for the instances. These steps seemed to 'fix' the issue, but what I observed was that the
    UI style (somehow) went back to tsOffice2003Blue!
4. Today after redoing STEP 3 above and unchecking UseStyler (not sure if this made a difference)
    the appearance of the Memos do not change.

With the latest version of TDBAdvMemo we could in no circumstances reproduce a problem.
If you see a problem, please isolate this into a sample source project and send it to support so we can investigate this.