Strange behaviour with DBAdvOfficeRadioGroup

Hello to all!

I've a strange behaviour with DBAdvOfficeRadioGroup since
I've updated my component pack from 6.8 to 7.2 (Delphi XE2).

As a mimimum test configuration there is a Tform with:
- DBAdvOfficeRadioGroup,
- some DBAdvEdits,
- two TDBAdvGlowButtons for save and cancel,
- TDataSource and TZQuery (from ZEOS Lib)

DBAdvOfficeRadioGroup holds the value for "gender" (female/male) which is fed
through an ENUM ('female','male') as string.

SQL is fired on FormShow and values are shown.

If you place DBAdvOfficeRadioGroup an the form the property "tabstop" ist set to FALSE.

Now the strangnes:

Test I:

set tabstop=true AND taborder=0 (at design time)

1) FormShow with a "female dataset":
- DBAdvOfficeRadioGroup shows the correct value,
- TDataSource.state = dsBrowse

2) FormShow with a "male dataset":
- DBAdvOfficeRadioGroup shows value "femal" which is obviously FALSE and
- TDataSource.state = dsEdit!

Test II:

With tabstop=true AND taborder=1 (at design time):

All works well!

Test III:

With tabstop=false (at design time):

All works well!

Theese results are reproduceable in my setup...

Do you have an idea what I can do?

Thank you!

Cheers, Frank