TDBAdvOfficeRadioGroup ReadOnly malfunction

Using the version of the TMSComponents Pack.

The RadioGroup is inserted inside a TAdvSmoothTabPage
When DataSet not in edit mode, RadioGroup lets the user change the item selected, but this is not updated in the DataSet,  only a refresh of the data shows the real value again.
Setting ReadOnly = true at runtime, block de update of the Dataset but visually allow to change the item selected as if it was not in ReadOnly mode.
Setting ReadOnly = true at designtime, blocks entirely the control and changing to false at runtime has no effect on it.
Any Ideas?

I could not reproduce a problem with updating the value in the dataset. Are you sure you use an updateable dataset?

Wrt ReadOnly at runtime, this problem was traced & solved. Next update will have this fixed.

When you have the dataset in edit mode, editing or inserting a field, then the RadioGroup acts as expected. You can select the item you want and its value is updated or inserted into the database.

But if the dataset is in dsBrowse mode or the control is set in ReadOnly mode at runtime (in design time setting ReadOnly=true functions as expected), you can change the item selection, visually in the control, but this changes are not updated to the dataset.
The behaviour is good because changes are made to the database when it should happen, but visually it let you change the item selection when it should not permit this.
If the dataset is in dsBrowse mode it should act as in ReadOnly mode, not letting the user to change item selection.
I hope this clarifies the problem.

Thanks for clarifying,

we've adapted this to make the radiogroup reflect the editing state of the dataset. Next update will have this improvement.

Last version of TMS Controls had an issue with TDBAdvOfficeRadioGroup and dsBrowse state of the Dataset. as stated in this thread of the forum.

Next release solved the problem but now, in the new versión of TMS controls, the issue is reproduced again.
The control versión is now and it allows to change visually the item selected when DataSet state is in dsBrowse mode. Nothing is written to the database but the user see as it could change the selected item at any time.

Several other users complained the behavior was not consistent with a TDBRadioGroup, therefore we had to change it to make it consistent with the standard VCL TDBRadioGroup behavior.