TDBAdvOfficeRadioGroup fires OnDatachange event on TDatasource before posting

Hi Support
I discovered a somwhat problematic behaviour of the TDBAdvOfficeRadioGroup :
(Version of the component is

DBAdvOfficeRadioGroup1 -- >DataSource1 --> ClientDatset1, connected to an Integer field in the dataset

The datasource do have an "OnDataChange" eventhandler
I check if the "Field" parameter <>nil in this eventhandler

Apparently this event is fired by clicking on one of the radiogroup options (before the change has been posted), and again when I post the change

If I have the normal (VCL) TDBDadioGroup, this event is only fired when the I post the changes to the dataset

I have other DataAware controls on the form (TDBAdvEdit), which do not fire the "OnDataChange" just by editing the entryfield, only when the changes is posted.
It's a problem that the Datasource1 fires the OnDataChange event each time the radiobutton is clicked

any suggestions?

(I have created a small demo program that demonstrates the behaviour, if you need it)

We corrected this and this change will be included in the next release.

Thank you for the correction - it now works perfectly after download og the most recent version.