Problem with recent AdvGlowButton fix

The recent fix for Delphi 12 has been conditioned on DELPHIXE12LVL, which affects a lot more versions than Delphi 12. My Glowbutton fonts became enormous when building with Delphi 11, and I had to back out this change to restore correct operation.

I'm not sure how to understand this. The conditional change for Delphi12 should not have effect on older Delphi versions and thus, reverting to a previous version of TAdvGlowButton should change the behavior when run on versions of Delphi prior to Delphi 12.
I also retested this here in older versions of Delphi and couldn't see an issue.
So, please provide more information / details how this can work different with the same code on older Delphi versions and how to reproduce a problem.

I have replied by e-mail with more info.