Problem with markers using TMSFNCCMaps

When using markers: Open Street Maps has no markers, Bing has its own, and Google has its own. When using my own markers I get no display of a marker using any of the 3 list above, but with Bing the Title is displayed. The image format I am using is png. The location of the markers is local. The string I am using for the file path is similar to 'file:///C:/Users/Gary/GeoLocMapO.png'. Any ideas?

You cannot use local files with any of the APIs as far as I remember. This is a restriction of the frameworks as they have no access to the local system.

Please try referring to a PNG image with an HTTP(S) reference. That should work.


Please make sure to set the LocalFileAccess property to True when using marker image files located on a local machine.

I set Local file Access to true and it works now.



Happy to help!

As a side note, it is recommended to use images coming from an URL instead of using the local file system. You can currently access local files by using the LocalFileAccess property set to true, but it is unclear if the services currently supported in TMS FNC Maps will keep supporting local file access in the future.