Custom Marker on Android

The following code works on Windows but not on Android

Yes, LocalFileAccess is True

The image is a .png and is stored at location 'file://' + DocumentsPath(cSmallHouse);

If I do a FileExists( DocumentsPath(cSmallHouse)) on it returns true.

Any ideas.

for NO in FSelectedNearby do
GMM := mapGoogle.Markers.Add;
GMM.Longitude := NO.Longitude;
GMM.Latitude := NO.Latitude;
GMM.IconURL := 'file://' + DocumentsPath(cSmallHouse);

  GMM.Title := NO.OrderID.ToString;

  OV := mapGoogle.AddOverlayView;
  OV.Coordinate.Latitude := NO.Latitude;
  OV.Coordinate.Longitude := NO.Longitude;
  OV.Mode := omCoordinate;
  OV.Text := NO.Overlay;
  OV.Visible := False;


We'll investigate why the file is not being displayed, this could be a security issue on local files in the Android webview. Did you know you can also specify the base64 representation of your marker icon? You can use converters like and then pass the base64 representation string as a value to the IconURL property instead of the file URL.

So it should be a URL and not the LocalFile to test this?

That works.

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