pb with Padua


I have a project that worked properly with Web Core v1.1.3.0 in Delphi 10.3
I uninstalled the v1.1.3.0 and installed the new version v1.2.0.0 Padua.
Since I can not build the project, I always have the following error : 

Pas2JS Compiler version 1.4.6 [2019/04/20] for Win32 i386 / TMS WEB Core version v1.2.0.0

[Erreur] WEBLib.TMSFNCTypes.pju(1): [20180207152251] This=WEBLib.TMSFNCTypes El=Classes.TInterfaceSection.TCollection: 306<>320

[20180207152251] This=WEBLib.TMSFNCTypes El=Classes.TInterfaceSection.TCollection: 306<>320

[Erreur fatale] [20180207152251] This=WEBLib.TMSFNCTypes El=Classes.TInterfaceSection.TCollection: 306<>320

Thanks for your help

Please also update TMS FNC controls to the latest version.

Thank you for your answer, I will do that ;)