Looking for a Web DirectoryTreeview or a WEB File Explorer

any way to get a DirectoryTreeview in Tms WebCore?
I need a (server) File Explorer like windows explorer.
Has anyone already done something about this?

Closest we have to this is Demo\Basics\LocalFiles

Thanks Bruno,
even if there are bugs on select folder/files in that demo :-)

Do you have details?

I have to change in folder and file selection:

// p := pos(' ',filename);
// if p > 0 then
// filename := copy(filename, p + 6, length(filename));

filename := trim(filename);

I take this opportunity to ask for an error:
Selecting a demo image only works if I'm in debug.
If I am in release, or if I publish the application under HTTPS, I am unable to select any image with the error:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError:
t.DoGetFileHandle is not a function at TMSWEB_LocalFiles.js:1:426557
What needs to be set differently?
(The management of local files is really a great opportunity, even if it was created for PWAs :-) )

I'm also looking for those demos that are in old blog post:


I see the API to get the file is more sensitive apparently and has a problem with a leading space on the filename.
Solve this in the demo in the grid.OnSelectCell handler with change:

filename := Trim(WebStringGrid1.Cells[1,ARow]);

We will fix it in this demo.

I have already fixed the bug in the demo.
But I need info on this:

If I am in release, or if I publish the application under HTTPS, I am unable to select any image with the error:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError:
t.DoGetFileHandle is not a function at TMSWEB_LocalFiles.js:1:426557

Furthermore i need the three demos that are in PWA blog. But their links are broken...

Thanks a lot!

Thanks for reporting, we fixed this issue with TWebLocalFolder. Next update will address this.

I wait for updates,