Issue about Offical demos

I learned all offical demos yesterday and found some demos as below do not work:

1、Demos\Basics\AES compile failed

2、Demos\Basics\ContinuousScroll no list

3、Demos\Basics\Themes wrong display

4、Demos\Electron all demos do not work, the error message is "NPM not installed" but the NPM installed and working

The 4th issue resolved.

Could you please check other issues??

For your first issue:
MiscObj is part of the TMS Cryptography Pack. Can you double check the library path in your IDE to make sure TMS Cryptography Pack is there?

We are investigating issue 2 and 3.

I will check the library path later, thanks @Tunde

The 1st issue resolved.

But I found an issue on another demo 'Basic\HTMLTemplate', check the picture below please

We fixed it. The next update will address this.

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